Well-Being for Pharmacy Staff
A GPhF free CPE webinar presented by PharmWell, A professional health & wellness program of the Georgia Pharmacy Foundation
Speaker: Maria Thurston, Pharm.D., BCPS
Poor mental health and well-being in pharmacy practice can lead to job burnout, risk of suicide, and potentially negative patient outcomes. This session will focus on the importance of maintaining well-being as well as provide techniques and resources participants can use to enhance well-being in their life and the lives of others.
UAN: 0142-0000-21-025-L04-P/T
CPE hours: 1.0
Activity type: Knowledge
Target Audience: Pharmacists, Pharmacy technicians
Expiration: June 1, 2024
Registration fee: Free
Learning Objectives for pharmacists
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the relevance and importance of pharmacist mental health and well-being.
- Describe methods & resources to enhance mental health and well-being among pharmacists.
- Review techniques aimed at improving well-being.
Learning Objectives for pharmacy technicians
At the completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
- Discuss the relevance and importance of pharmacy technician mental health and well-being as part of the pharmacy team.
- Describe methods & resources to enhance mental health and well-being.
- Review techniques aimed at improving well-being.
About the speaker
Dr. Thurston is a University of Georgia College of Pharmacy honors graduate. She completed a PGY1 residency with the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center and a PGY2 Ambulatory Care residency with the University of Georgia/Charlie Norwood Veterans Affairs Medical Center. She is currently serving as a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice with Mercer University College of Pharmacy. She practices in a collaborative internal medicine clinic with WellStar Atlanta Medical Center, where she precepts students and residents. Dr. Thurston’s areas of interest and expertise include: cardiovascular risk reduction, COPD, patient education, interprofessional education, professional development, and well-being. She is passionate about enhancing well-being in pharmacy practice and is a certified Mental Health First Aid trainer. She serves on committees for several regional and national pharmacy organizations and is a member of the AJPE editorial board. Dr. Thurston was the recipient of the 2017 ACCP New Educator Award.