2023 Legislative Update Week 1 (Days 1-4)
Georgia’s 2023 Legislative Session gaveled in on Monday, January 9, with a light calendar for the day. Newly elected members of the assembly were sworn in with their families in attendance. A noticeable theme of bipartisanship was discussed in each chamber. This was evident with electing new chamber leaders without competing nominations. Also, for the first time ever that anyone can remember, the calendar for the entire session was set and agreed upon by the House and Senate on Day 1.
The first day left a feeling of refreshing change and optimism and after tying up some procedural work, the members of the General Assembly adjourned before noon. It seemed the lawmakers had somewhere to go after adjournment, so the Capitol cleared out pretty quickly. Maybe they had a secret meeting to attend that only allowed Black and Red apparel since that’s what most of them were wearing or maybe they were just trying to beat Atlanta traffic. Maybe history was repeating itself like last year and they were getting ready for the Georgia Bulldogs to play in the National Championship again!! We all know the answer and the outcome. Congratulations to the Bulldogs for their 2nd championship in a row!
Midweek, leaders gathered at the Georgia World Congress Center for the annual Georgia Chamber of Commerce Eggs and Issues breakfast to hear the 2023 session priorities of Governor Kemp, Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones, and Speaker of the House Jon Burns. Speaker Burns announced that healthcare was a top priority and plans to create a new health committee that will have policy and budgetary oversight on existing health committees. Representative Butch Parrish will chair the new committee. Representative Parrish is one of our pharmacist legislators in the General Assembly and we appreciate his continued support and congratulate him on his new committee assignment!
Both chambers continued organizational work and the House will have most of the committee assignments done next week during budget week.
It was all about Governor Kemp on Thursday with his inauguration at Georgia State University’s new Convocation Center. The Governor detailed his plans to cut taxes while returning some of the tax revenues to the citizens of Georgia. He is asking for $2000 raises for teachers and state employees and $150 million in grants for school districts. The Inaugural Gala followed later that night at State Farm Arena.
There are many changes this year in the assembly. New leadership in both chambers is in place. There are over 40 new legislators that are learning the ropes. Committees are changing and one that many of our bills passed through, the Special Committee on Access to Quality Health Care, is no more. We are waiting for final committee assignments to strategize on bill sponsors. This week is budget week so the General Assembly is not in session but meetings with legislators, lobbyists, and stakeholders will be on the schedule.
– Melissa Reybold, VP of Public Policy