HB 867 Call Your Representative

January 25, 2022

House Chairman and physician Mark Newton introduced HB 867, which requires PBMs to calculate patient cost sharing for prescription drugs based on true costs to plans, by taking into account rebates PBMs receive from pharmaceutical manufacturers. PBMs are in opposition to this legislation and trying to point the finger at independent pharmacies for rising drug costs at the counter. 
The bill is scheduled for a hearing tomorrow in Chairman Newton’s Special Committee on Access to Quality Healthcare.  Below are members of that Committee.  Please reach out to committee members prior to 2:00 pm tomorrow and let them know:

  1. You are in support in support of HB 867, as it will reduce prices for Georgia patients at the counter by requiring PBMs to factor in rebates received when calculating a patient’s cost share;
  2. If PBMs are negotiating rebates, patients should receive the benefit of those discounts at the counter and should not pay cost shares based in inflated pricing at the drug counter; and
  3. Community pharmacies do not benefit in any way from this legislation financially, but you are in support because this legislation increases drug pricing transparency and reduces drug costs for patients at the counter. 

Special Committee on Access to Quality Healthcare
david.knight@house.ga.gov  404.463.2248
patty.bentley@house.ga.gov  404.656.0287
sharon.cooper@house.ga.gov  404.656.5069
john.corbett@house.ga.gov  404.656.5105
spencer.frye@house.ga.gov  404.656.0265
matt.hatchett@house.ga.gov  404.656.5025
penny.houston@house.ga.gov  404.463.2248
todd.jones@house.ga.gov  404.463.2246
randy.nix@house.ga.gov  404.656.5146
larry.parrish@house.ga.gov  404.463.2246
clay.pirkle@house.ga.gov  404.656.7850
brian.prince@house.ga.gov  404.656.0116
richard.smith@house.ga.gov  404.656.5141
calvin.smyre@house.ga.gov  404.656.0109
mark.newton@house.ga.gov  404.656.7853