February 29: Quick Legislative Update

By Melissa Reybold, VP of Public Policy

HB 1363 passed unanimously out of the House Health Committee on Monday. Next step is getting it called in Rules and then it will be up a floor vote by midnight on Crossover on Thursday, February 29. We had a pharmacy tech and around 15 pharmacists from all over, including Katie Bell, the subject of our one-pager in attendance:

Want to check out the video of the hearing? Click here!

Good news! APCI donated funds to GPhA to hire former Senate Rules Chairman Jeff Mullis, to work our bills on the senate side. No one knows the senate better and he has already locked in the current senate rules chairman, Matt Brass, to sponsor our bill on the senate side!

I appreciate all your calls, texts, and emails to your legislators. They definitely responded to the pressure! We are still working to get it through before the deadline on Thursday and then we will do the same thing on the Senate side. We will wait to send out our next Call for Action after Crossover where we will ask you to reach out to your senators to support our bill. Thank you so much and thank you to the members who reached out to thank our bill sponsor, Representative Karen Mathiak. She is so appreciative, and she wants everyone to know that she’s not backing down to the PBMs! Stay tuned!