GRITS Technical Support

GRITS Technical Assistance Review your GRITS data contained in the ‘VAC_ADMIN_SITE_2021_01_18_0600.xlsx’ spreadsheet for accuracy.  The information is based on GRITS data published as of Monday, January 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM.  Call (866) 483-2958 or email if updates are needed.  Remember, providers must establish and enforce accountability measures related to vaccine distribution.  Your orders are dependent on available supply allocation for Georgia and your timely and accurate reporting of inventory and doses administered in GRITS. As required by Georgia law and your vaccine provider agreement these immunizations must be reported within 24 hours of administration. Late or forgone reporting puts provider supply at risk. If you are not using GRITS or are having difficulty navigating the system, staff are available to assist Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by calling the telephone number or emailing the address listed above.  “Why isn’t my COVID inventory deducting?” Please ensure that you meet the following guidelines:  Inventory: Doses on hand must be recorded within the system BEFORE administration records are sent.   Inventory Deduction Function: A GRITS analyst will need to ‘turn on’ the inventory deduction function for your data exchange/interface.   New Immunization: Sending records as a historical dose will not link the dose to your facility in the system. the record will only deduct if it is recorded as a new immunization. Eligibility: The eligibility of the patient must be sent as a V07 – COVID Specific. Any other eligibility code (V01 – Privately Insured, V03 – No Insurance, etc.) will cause your inventory to not deduct.  Once all these things are in place, your inventory will successfully deduct.  “What are Pending Records?”   Records are held in a pending status when GRITS is unable to determine if … Continue reading GRITS Technical Support