Nominate Someone for a 2025 GPhA Award
GPhA recognizes the best of the best in Georgia pharmacy, and no one knows the best of Georgia pharmacists, technicians, and students better than our members. Nominate someone deserving for one of the awards listed below, which will be presented at the 2025 Georgia Pharmacy Convention on Amelia Island in June.
Award nominations are due by January 15, 2025.

Bowl of Hygeia Award
Among the most prestigious awards in pharmacy, the Bowl of Hygeia is presented annually by GPhA, and all state pharmacy associations, to one pharmacist in each state with an outstanding record of service not only to the pharmacy profession but to the community as well. Click here to see the list of past winners.
- Nominee must be licensed in the state of Georgia and a member of the association.
- Nominee must be living. The award is not presented posthumously.
- Nominee must not have been a previous recipient of the award.
- Nominee is not currently serving nor has he/she served within the immediate past two years as an officer of the association other than an ex-officio capacity.
- Nominee has compiled an outstanding record of community service, which, apart from his/her specific identification as a pharmacist, reflects well on the profession.
Distinguished Young Pharmacist
Recognizing the achievements of young pharmacists, this award has become one of GPhA’s most prestigious. It recognizes an individual who, although having been in the profession for less than a decade, has demonstrated a dedication to Georgia pharmacists and patients.
- Nominee must be licensed in the state of Georgia and a member of the association.
- Nominee must have received an entry-degree in pharmacy fewer than 10 years ago.
- Nominee must be actively engaged in pharmacy practice.
- Nominee must have participated in pharmacy association programs or activities and community service projects.
Excellence in Innovation
This award acknowledges a pharmacist who has found new and better ways to improve the care of his or her patients — innovative and impressive solutions, techniques, or business practices for all pharmacies to consider.
- Nominee must be licensed in the state of Georgia and a member of the association.
- Nominee must be actively engaged in pharmacy practice.
- Nominee must have demonstrated innovative pharmacy practice resulting in improved patient care.
Faculty Member of the Year
The Faculty Member of the Year Award is given in recognition of academic achievement and exceptional leadership of student pharmacists at the local, state, or national level. The recipient has provided long term service and contributions that have benefited GPhA and/or the GPhA membership. The recipient is recognized for their skills in student mentoring and professional development as well as the importance and value of membership and participation in the state association.
- Must be an GPhA member in good standing.
- Promotes not only academic achievement but also leadership and advocacy.
- Has been responsive to the needs of student pharmacists and has promoted their advancement within the profession of pharmacy.
- Has made significant contributions to the growth of GPhA student pharmacist membership and has mentored students on the importance of professional development.
- Must be currently employed by a Georgia college of pharmacy as a full-time faculty member in the school of pharmacy.
- Members serving on the GPhA Board of Directors shall not be eligible recipients.
Nominations: Student and faculty members who are members of GPhA are eligible to nominate a candidate for this award.
Award process: Nominations will be vetted by GPhA Board of Directors. All nominations along with the recommendation of the GPhA Board are submitted to the Council of Presidents for final consideration. Deans may be consulted as part of the GPhA vetting process.
Award: Plaque and $1,000 to the university’s faculty’s development fund.
Only Student and faculty members who are members of GPhA are eligible to nominate a candidate for this award.
Jim Bartling Student Pharmacist of the Year
The Student Pharmacist of the Year award is given in recognition of a high level of academic achievement, leadership, professionalism, and advocacy by a GPhA student pharmacist. It is given annually at the convention. The recipient has demonstrated a commitment to GPhA and pharmacy through their participation in GPhA and school events. The award will recognize a student leader who demonstrates in his/her school and other pharmacy-related endeavors a high level of professionalism.
- Rising P3 or P4 (South rising final year).
- Member of GPhA in good standing.
- Demonstrated advocacy for the profession.
- Have attended at least 1 GPhA event (region meeting, convention, Day at the Dome).
- Contributed to the improvement of the GPhA chapter.
- Promote GPhA and its efforts.
- Have good academic standing (minimum 3.0 GPA on 4.0 scale)
- The vision of the recipient for future pharmacist functions and healthcare programs is an important consideration or trait for consideration for this award.
- The recipient must be an APA member in good standing.
Nominations: Student and Faculty members who are members of GPhA are eligible to nominate a candidate for this award. The Award is presented annually at the Convention.
Award process: Nominations will be vetted by the members of the Student Leadership Boards from all campuses. All nominations along with the recommendation of the SLB are submitted to the GPhA Board of Directors for consideration and recommendation to the Council of Presidents. Deans may be consulted as part of the GPhA vetting process.
Award: Plaque and $500 to award recipient, $500 to school.
Only Student and faculty members who are members of GPhA are eligible to nominate a candidate for this award.
Larry Braden Meritorious Service
The highest honor GPhA bestows on a pharmacist, this award recognizes the Georgia pharmacist who, over his or her career, has made extraordinary, invaluable contributions not only to GPhA, but to the practice of pharmacy in the state of Georgia.
Pharmacy Technician of the Year
The Pharmacy Technician of the Year Award is given in recognition of dedicated service and commitment to excellence by a pharmacy technician who is currently a member of GPhA and in good standing with GPhA and the Georgia Board of Pharmacy. The recipient is honored for exceptional leadership skills and service to the pharmacy profession as well as participation and active involvement in APT. In addition, the recipient has done one of more of the following to serve the needs of patients:
- Affected the outcome of patient care; (and/or)
- Advanced the role of pharmacy technicians; (and/or)
- Advanced the professionalization and ability of pharmacy technicians; (and/or)
- Advanced the pharmacy technician workforce.
- Nominee must be registered in the state of Georgia and a member of the association.
- Nominee must be living. The award is not presented posthumously.
- Nominee must not have been a previous recipient of the award.
- Nominee is not currently serving nor has he/she served within the immediate past two years as an officer of the association other than an ex-officio capacity.
Nominations: All GPhA members are eligible to nominate a candidate for this award. The award is presented annually at the convention.
Award process: Nominations will be vetted by the APT Board of Directors. All nominations along with the recommendation of the APT Board are submitted to the Council of Presidents for final consideration.
Award: Plaque and $500 to technician award recipient and $500 to pharmacist/pharmacy employer.
All GPhA members may vote on the Pharmacy Tech of the Year Award.

These are awards created by your association, but it’s your input — your nominations — that give them meaning. The more our members are involved in the awards process, the more meaning each award will carry. Click the button or this link to access the nomination form.